Saint of the day
April, 30th | Saint Pius V
Saint Pius V’s Story This is the pope whose job it was to implement the historic Council of Trent. If we think popes had difficulties in implementing Vatican Council II,...
April, 30th | Saint Pius V
Saint Pius V’s Story This is the pope whose job it was to implement the historic Council of Trent. If we think popes had difficulties in implementing Vatican Council II,...
April, 29th | Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena’s Story The value Catherine makes central in her short life and which sounds clearly and consistently through her experience is complete surrender to Christ. What is...
April, 29th | Saint Catherine of Siena
Saint Catherine of Siena’s Story The value Catherine makes central in her short life and which sounds clearly and consistently through her experience is complete surrender to Christ. What is...
April, 28th | Saint Peter Chanel
Saint Peter Chanel’s Story Anyone who has worked in loneliness, with great adaptation required and with little apparent success, will find a kindred spirit in Peter Chanel. Born in France,...
April, 28th | Saint Peter Chanel
Saint Peter Chanel’s Story Anyone who has worked in loneliness, with great adaptation required and with little apparent success, will find a kindred spirit in Peter Chanel. Born in France,...
April, 27th | Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Mont...
Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort’s Story Louis’s life is inseparable from his efforts to promote genuine devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Totus tuus (“completely...
April, 27th | Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Mont...
Saint Louis Mary Grignion de Montfort’s Story Louis’s life is inseparable from his efforts to promote genuine devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Totus tuus (“completely...
April, 26th | Saint Pedro de San José Betancur
Saint Pedro de San José Betancur’s Story Central America claimed its first saint with the canonization of Pedro de San José Betancur. Known as the “Saint Francis of the Americas,”...
April, 26th | Saint Pedro de San José Betancur
Saint Pedro de San José Betancur’s Story Central America claimed its first saint with the canonization of Pedro de San José Betancur. Known as the “Saint Francis of the Americas,”...
April, 25th | Saint Mark
Saint Mark’s Story Most of what we know about Mark comes directly from the New Testament. He is usually identified with the Mark of Acts 12:12. When Saint Peter escaped...
April, 25th | Saint Mark
Saint Mark’s Story Most of what we know about Mark comes directly from the New Testament. He is usually identified with the Mark of Acts 12:12. When Saint Peter escaped...