The Miracle Of The Sun
Our Lady of Fatima Miracle
The story begins in the Portuguese village of Fatima on May 13, 1917. In the decisive days near that small village, the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, appeared to three young peasant children: Francisco, Jacinta, and Lucia; 10, 9 and 7 years old. As usual, when these young people were caring for their sheep, "a lady in white, dazzling than the sun...beautiful indescribably", stood in the bushes and appeared in front of the young people.
From May to October 1917, this lady appeared on the 13th day of each month and talked with the children.

News of these apparitions began to spread throughout the region. The children recalled that the Virgin told them that God had sent her a message to every man, woman and child who lived in this century. She promised that if her requests for prayers, compensation, and dedication are heard and obeyed, God will grant peace to the entire world. Although many people believe that the children really saw the Virgin, many people turn a deaf ear to the stories of the children, causing them to be ridiculed and ridiculed a lot. When it was learned that this lady would visit the children for the last time on October 13, 1917, and promised that her signs would convince the world, many pilgrims planned to participate.
Although the area suffered three days of heavy downpour, there were still nearly 70,000 people who braved heavy rain and mud to go to the previous ghost land and witnessed the miracle in the prophecy. Many people are contemptuous and unbelieving. Their only purpose is to discredit the children's stories.
Suddenly, "the dark clouds dispersed... the sun appeared between them, azure blue, like a ball of white fire." People can look at the sun without blinking, and while they look up, the huge ball begins to "dance". The huge fireball spins rapidly at a dizzying and disgusting speed, bursting out a variety of brilliant colors, reflecting on everyone's faces. The fireball continued to spin in this way three times, and then seemed to be shaking, rushing towards the ground in a powerful tortuous trajectory. Everyone was terrified, for fear that this would be the end of the world.

However, the sun reversed its orbit, turned back to its tortuous orbit, and returned to its normal position in the sky. All of this happened in about ten minutes. After realizing that they were not destined, the crowd began to laugh, cry, yell, and cry ecstatically.
After being called "the miracle of the sun" the children were asked many, many times about what they saw and was told. Their story has never changed.
In July 1917, the core of the Virgin's message to the world was called the "secret." The "secret" actually consists of three parts.
The first part of "The Secret" is a terrible scene of hell, "Where does the soul of the poor sinner go", which contains the urgent plea of the Virgin, asking for prayer and sacrifice to save the soul, with special emphasis on prayer beads and the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Dedication.
The second part of the “Secret” specifically prophesied the outbreak of World War II and contained the prediction of the immense damage that Russia would do to humanity by abandoning the Christian faith and embracing Communists’ totalitarianism.
The third part is that it did not reveal that its revelation in 2000 is consistent with the blessings of San Francisco and Hashinta. It does not contain any significant or catastrophic predictions, but, on the contrary, visual support and affirmation of the immense suffering suffered by witnesses of the faith in the last century of the second millennium. The sister Lucia, a member of the survival of the Fatima trio, confirms that visually "the bishop is in white clothes," who prays for all believers, is the pope. When he walked hard to the cross in the corpses of martyrs (bishops, priests, religious men and women, and many laymen), he also fell to the ground, apparently dead, in a burst of gunfire. This vision may herald an attack on the life of Pope John Paul II in 1981.The Pope has always credited the Virgin for his survival. Or it may be a portrayal of the Church’s continued struggle against secularism and anti-Christian movements and a continuing call to prayer, sacrifice and devotion to Our Lady of Fatima.